5 Reasons Why Your Business Should Be Using AI-Powered Chatbots

artificial intelligence

It's difficult to recall a time when Chatbots were not a topic of discussion in customer service and marketing strategies. Their popularity has grown fast in recent times and a greater number of companies are adopting them worldwide. It's not surprising that technology is offering an innovative way to assist customers, generate leads, and boost customer service.

Companies are currently using AI Chatbots in their business plans and chat is now the most preferred method of communication with clients and Live Chat requiring support from humans. But what decision makers really need to know is: is investing in chatbots Chatbot worth it and for what reason?

Chatbots are increasingly popular methods of communicating with customers and businesses. Live Chat is also being used to interact with chatbots. What decision-makers really need to know is whether the investment in a Chatbot worth the cost and for what reason?

Cost savings of significant magnitude

An organization can use an AI chatbots that lets them complete tasks that normally require human resource. This is why it is crucial. Successful companies constantly consider ways they can cut costs without jeopardising service or quality. Through automation of simple jobs, Chatbots offer users instant assistance, and permit customers to have multiple queries handled simultaneously.

24/7 customer support

If a web user notices the instantly identifiable chat bubble that appears at the lower right of their screen and decides to interact with it, they're expecting an instant response. In the end, why would you advertise Live Chat if it's not in real time? This can pose a problem for companies that lack the resources to employ around the clock staff to handle every chat.

Increased satisfaction of employees

Everyone can agree that no one wants to perform the same boring job every day. Statistics show that repetitive jobs have much higher turnover rates than varied, more challenging responsibilities. Employees often have to deal with repetitive situations on Live Chat platforms. A Chatbot can automate these scenarios and can be effective in managing them. Implementing the use of a Chatbot to handle routine questions allows staff to become proficient in dealing with more complicated situations where human interaction is required the most. Employers are able to improve their skills through their problem-solving abilities rather than writing scripts. This leads to happier and more motivated employees that are willing and capable of providing quality support to customers who have problems.

The customer experience has been revolutionized

AI permits businesses to solve customer queries through channels that are preferred by the client and affordable for the company. With the rise of AI chatbots customers have grown accustomed to them and appreciate their self-service nature. They don't have to wait for an agent to become available or respond to each of their messages. Chatbots provide customers with instant support that requires less effort and resolve issues instantly. And we all know a positive customer experience makes possible more satisfied customers.

Revenue and leads are increased.

Chatbots that are well-designed and optimized for conversations can make sales by using strong marketing strategies and optimising their communication flows.

They are able to use data from customers to determine user behaviour and deliver the appropriate notifications to the correct people every time. Chatbots are able to effortlessly guide customers through their buyer journey and answer any questions when they arise. Chatbots are able to present a variety of menus to users that encourage clicks and product discovery.

Chatbots can identify possible sales and discounts in response to customer interactions and their preferences. This can increase the number of upsells and the revenue.


These are only one of the many advantages an AI-powered Chatbot can bring to your business. Chatbots are growing at a rapid rate as technology is moving at a faster pace than ever. It's not surprising that a study ran by Outgrow indicates that 80 percent of enterprises are projected to integrate at least one Chatbot system in 2021. Researchers predict that Chatbots will answer 75 to 90% of all queries within five years. Knowing this gives you time to ensure that Chatbots are incorporated into your business strategy for 2021.


    Click here: AI service desk platform


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